Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)
LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB, Alejandro López
LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB
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LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB

LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB, Alejandro López
LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB
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LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB



Acquisition details



This is an image I took during Astroarbacia 2022, a starparty celebrated in Navas de Estena (Ciudad Real). Data was taken along two different nights of June 2022.

Really good skies, but very short nights, so I had to take luminance and RGB at Bin2.

This was also my first image with my new Esprit 100ED. Happy with final result, but I have been fighting for a long time with ASI1600MM microlenses problem with big stars. This effect is extremely magnified with Esprit100ED and barely noticiable with my 8" Newtonian.

Hope you like it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


LDN1251 - Rotten Fish Nebula LRGB, Alejandro López

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